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Recently the official website of the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Medicines and Health Products (hereinafter referred to as the Chamber of Commerce for Medical Insurance) announced the third batch of 12 international business standards for plant extracts, including white willow bark extract, betel nut polysaccharide polyphenol, and seaweed extract (fucoid Xanthin), Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol, Honeysuckle extract (5% chlorogenic acid), Honeysuckle extract (25% chlorogenic acid), Ganoderma lucidum extract (water extraction), Luo Han Guo extract (25% Mogroside V) , Momordica grosvenori extract (50% mogroside V), green coffee bean extract, chlorogenic acid, stevia extract. So far, the Medical Insurance Chamber of Commerce has completed the formulation of 25 international business standards for plant extracts.

Since 2012, the Medical Insurance Chamber of Commerce has organized outstanding domestic plant extract companies to jointly develop the "International Business Standards for Plant Extracts" (hereinafter referred to as "Business Standards"). At present, commercial standards have become one of the considerations for relevant international customers to measure product quality, and even become a reference for inspection and quarantine at some ports. It is reported that the Medical Insurance Chamber of Commerce, through cooperation with the China Food and Drug Administration, intends to form a special set of plant extract standards for business standards, which may become an important source for the list of raw materials for health food filing in the future. The Medical Insurance Chamber of Commerce also actively promotes the international mutual recognition of business standards, and cooperates with the United States Pharmacopoeia Commission. In the future, it is expected to form a set of mutual recognition standards between China and the United States. It will make every effort to promote business standards into the United States Pharmacopoeia, promote the development of China-US trade, and help Chinese companies master Right to speak in foreign trade negotiations.

The organization of international business standards for plant extracts is in accordance with GB/20004.1-2016 "Organization Standardization Part 1: Guidelines for Good Practice" and GB/T20003.1-2014 "Special Procedures for Standard Development Part 1: Standards Involving Patents" The selection of varieties closely follows the market demand. The form and content of the standard are based on authoritative standards at home and abroad such as "The Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (2015 Edition)" and "USP39-NF34", and firmly grasp the quality control of domestic and foreign drugs. Context of development. The review work invited relevant personnel from the China Food and Drug Control Research Institute, domestic core scientific research institutes, and the U.S. Pharmacopoeia Standards Collection Department to form a strong team of experts.

Through the joint efforts of all parties, a total of 25 plant extract standards in three batches have been published, and these standards have filled the gap in my country's plant extract standards. Yu Zhibin, director of the Chinese Medicine Department of the Medical Insurance Chamber of Commerce, said that the standards are dynamic and need to be continuously revised and updated as the industry changes. The fourth batch of plant extract business standards is currently being formulated and is expected to be publicized in June next year. "Our goal is to allow the standard to cover all plant extract products, and we look forward to more industry colleagues to join the Medical Insurance Chamber of Commerce to participate in the standard construction and jointly promote the internationalization of my country's extract industry." Yu Zhibin said.