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In recent years, mogroside has become more and more popular in foreign markets, and products using mogroside in the food and beverage industry have gradually increased. CCM, a market research and consulting company, believes that with its unique low-sugar and low-calorie characteristics and its downstream applications in the beverage industry, the Chinese market for mogroside is expected to grow by 400% in 2019.

As a new type of natural sweetener, Mogroside is extracted from Luo Han Guo. Its sweetness is 350 times that of sucrose. Its main component is Mogroside V. Mogroside has the characteristics of low sugar, low calorie, etc., can improve the immune system, liver and blood sugar of modern consumers, and meet the health requirements of contemporary consumers. Compared with the current traditional natural sweetener, stevioside, the taste is closer to that of sucrose and has no bitter taste, which makes up for the lack of stevioside to a certain extent.

In fact, in order to meet the needs of consumers, mogroside is gradually welcomed by the downstream food and beverage industry. For example, Coca-Cola (United States), General Mills (France), Chopani (United States) and other large food and beverage companies all use mogroside as a sweetener.

According to data from InnovaDatabase, from January to May 2015, 187 products using mogroside as a sweetener were released in the US market alone, an increase of 140% year-on-year.

Globally, the consumption of mogroside is concentrated in the United States, Europe and Japan. At present, the United States is the largest consumer of mogroside. In recent years, the consumption of mogroside in the US market has shown a gradual increase. In 2011, the consumption was close to 20 tons/year, and by 2014, the consumption is estimated to exceed 50 tons/year, an increase of 125%.

At present, the production areas of Luo Han Guo are mainly distributed in southern China and northern Thailand, and the production enterprises are mainly concentrated in China. The rapid growth of foreign demand promotes the rapid development of the domestic mogroside industry. According to CCM, in 2013, the production capacity of mogroside in China was only 290 tons per year, while the output was less than 200 tons. Compared with other natural sweeteners in China, the production scale is smaller.

Insufficient supply of raw materials is currently the main factor restricting the expansion of the mogroside industry. Due to the limitation of the planting environment, Luo Han Guo is currently only grown and cultivated in China; and for the implementation of the protection of origin.

CCM believes that the Chinese market for mogroside has just started. In China, in addition to being processed into mogrosides, most of the fresh Luohanguo fruits are directly baked into dried fruits for use in traditional Chinese medicine and other industries. 80% of the downstream applications of mogroside in China are in the beverage industry, but CCM believes that with the support of domestic food policies and the continuous improvement of extraction technology, mogroside will appear in more healthy foods and high-end foods. Application.