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CCM (China Chemical Market), as a market research company, released a new research result that pointed out that the global stevia market is growing rapidly. According to CCM research, the global production of stevia-containing beverages in 2014 increased by 35% compared with the same period last year, and the annual sales of one of the main products of high-purity steviol glycosides (Reb A>95%) increased compared with the same period last year. 10%, reaching 60 million U.S. dollars.

The total production of steviol glycosides in China is approximately 3,200 tons, a year-on-year increase of 3% compared to 2014. About 80% of steviol glycosides produced in China are exported, 70% of which are low-purity (Reb A 40%-60%). Overseas companies use these low-purity raw materials to produce high-purity steviol glycosides (Reb A >95%).

In addition, according to CCM's forecast, due to the global "development trend of low-sugar diets", in 2015 the market's demand for stevia will continue to grow. In 2014, the World Health Organization recommended that people halve their daily sugar intake, and the public's concern about the "safety" of some artificial sweeteners is the main reason why the demand for natural-source sweetener stevioside has risen.